Save money on your gas bill
You save money using our system. Whether it is by creating awareness about your energy usage or automatically switching your devices. We provide it all, while you decide. However, you can still go much further.

Did you know that the costs of gas are usually higher than the energy and water bills combined, especially in the cold winter months? With our new Radiator Control you can influence the temperature of your rooms (so your gas usage) separately. This way, you decide where you want comfort and where you want to save money by simply turning the temperature up or down.

You set up the Radiator Control by easily creating a weekschedule to automatically control your rooms’ temperature. Of course, you can always set the temperature manually on the Radiator Control itself or from your smartphone.

The Radiator Control will be available by the end of February. You can already pre-order yours in our webshop.

Free shipping
As you probably noticed: iHome has changed her name to BeNext. This calls for a celebration. Which is why we are offering free shipping for all our packages during the month of February!*

To benefit from this offer, please use the benext discount code at the checkout in our webshop.

Energy Expansion package
Using our Energy Expansion Package you can more accurately monitor your energy usage by measuring your devices separately. This way you will know exactly which device is costing you the most money. For more info click here.

Starter package
Are you enthusiastic about our system and you know someone who might be as well? Let them know that free shipping is also available for our Starter package! For more info click here.

Check out all our packages on our new website.